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Smiling Businesswoman

1-2-1 mentor programmes 

“Show me a successful individual and I’ll show you someone

who had real positive influences in his or her life.

I don’t care what you do for a living — if you do it well I’m sure there was someone

cheering you on or showing the way. A mentor.” 

Denzel Washington

grow sales

increase profits

strengthen team

Receive the support to guide you to deliver the results you seek, so you and your team shine!


  • Transform your business step-by-step, using a structured and systematic approach.

  • Break through your limitations to win, retain and grow your customers

  • Exceed your sales objectives 


3 main options available. You can upgrade and downgrade as suits you best


One face-to-face mentor session per month for one person only.


Each session lasts up to 90 minutes.

Three follow-through phone calls lasting up to 30 minutes each on each remaining week of the month.

Investment: £1,000 + VAT per month


Two face-to-face mentor sessions per month for up to 2 people at a time.


Each session lasts up to 90 minutes.

Two follow-through phone calls lasting up to 30 minutes each on intermittent weeks of the month.

One hour of training and coaching teams per quarter

Investment: £1,500 + VAT per month 


Four face-to-face mentor sessions per month for up to 3 people at a time.


Each session lasts up to 120 minutes.


Four hours of follow-through phone calls between coaching sessions as and when required across the team.


One hour of training and coaching teams per month.

Investment: £3,000 + VAT per Month  

Calm Sea

The sessions are designed to identify and exploit opportunities, to break through limitations to your performance by understanding and applying knowledge and skills to your business. The role of your mentor is essentially advisor and motivator. 


The techniques enable you to transform your business with enduring results through continuous improvement. The strategies and concepts agreed with your mentor are implemented in a step-by-step process.

It is important to keep up with the work required to ensure the programme and its fundamental philosophies are instilled correctly into your organisation. To gain the desired results, you should expect to invest approximately five hours per week of business development time, in addition to meetings with your mentor.  

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