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"Most leaders would agree they'd be better off

having an average strategy with superb execution

than a superb strategy with poor execution. 

Those who execute always have the upper hand."

Steven Covey, Author of 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People'

sales director




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The Hidden Key to Executing Strategy

The approach to growing a business is grounded in strategy and planning, primarily based on logic and reason.


But on its own, this is not enough when it comes to successfully executing the strategy. 

My article illuminates techniques used in change management to drive the execution of turnaround and growth.


Execution is dependent on people.

To be effective, execution relies on people engaging and interacting.

People are emotional beings, as well as logical.

And in my experience, the emotional is more likely to dominate the logical thinking, under pressure.




You gain a hands-on experienced director to step into your business to implement, with the capability to execute proficiently to deliver pre-defined outcomes in demanding time frames.


Someone you can trust to complement the current skill sets, in an organisation already stretched and under pressure. 


It’s also about people, who can be overwhelmed during the transition from the old to the new, and gaining their buy-in and support.  


Someone with the gravitas to win the respect of your team, listen to them and coach them to succeed in the new ways of the business. 

“In a short period of time, Mike was able to win the confidence of the Bulgarian sales teams and work with them in a way that was not confrontational yet provided leadership and direction. Without the strong sales effort that Mike had spearheaded, the mobile and broadband products would not have been the success that they subsequently became.

I have no hesitation in recommending Mike Kemball to your organization. He has the life experience that enables him to work with diverse people and cultures and the work experience that enables him to see the big picture without losing sight of the details and get the job done.”

Tony Robinson, Chief Commercial Officer, 

Bulgarian Telecommunications Company (Vivacom)

London Business School

“Over the last few decades, businesses have invested heavily in formulating strategy, but less in their ability to implement it. And yet strategy execution is consistently cited as the major bugbear for senior executives.”


Dominic Houlder, Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at London Business School

The execution can include:

grow sales

increase profits

strengthen team

Calm Sea

The value of your investment is by agreement, based on your requirements for the outcomes, length of assignment and number of hours per month. 


The assignment begins with agreeing clear objectives based on a thorough diagnosis of the business problem and then measuring progress against those objectives until completion of the assignment.


It includes three key stages:

  1. Definition – diagnosing the challenge

  2. Measurement – tracking performance against agreed objectives

  3. Results – benefits realisation, includes a handover plan to transfer to your people the ongoing methodology required to succeed.

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